πŸ“šResponsibilities and Policies

Printing Policy for Virtual Court Kiosk Users

Use of the Virtual Court Kiosk is free. Depending on the organization, the cost of printing is up to each host site.

The cost an organization charges a user to print any information and/or filesβ€”at their facilityβ€”is a printing cost and is not considered a cost of sale.

The cost is to allow that organization to recoup the reasonable and necessary cost of printing the information and files themselves. Such costs include but are not limited to the costs of paper and toner/ink.

The following organizations are expressly allowed to charge a reasonable and necessary fee for printing information and files accessed at a Virtual Court Kiosk at their facility, using their equipment.

  • Libraries

  • Law libraries

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Governmental bodies (clerk's offices, state agencies, etc.)

  • Other organizations dedicated to promoting social welfare and increasing access to justice.

  • Any site hosting a Virtual Court Kiosk.

If a user would like to not pay a potential fee, the user can consider emailing themselves their files and printing their information and files at their home or another place they have access to a printer.

Privacy Guidelines

It is best practice for host sites to take all reasonable steps to protect user privacy.

This includes:

  • Ensuring that the kiosk is in a private area while a user is attending a court hearing or other private meeting. Move the kiosk into a private room before the user arrives, or once they are present. Ensure the door is closed while the user is in the proceeding. Please note, users are directed to contact a staff member to move the kiosk.

  • Reminding users to use the provided headphones to better protect their privacy.

  • Doing a check after each use of the Virtual Court Kiosk to ensure no important papers/files were left behind by a user. Remind users to make sure to take any papers or files with them when they leave.

What if a user leaves behind papers or documents?

If your organization has a policy of handling sensitive information, please follow the existing policy. Please provide a written copy of the policy to TLSC so we can keep it on file. Send the policy to kiosks@tlsc.org.

If a host site does not have a policy for handling sensitive information, please shred any files left behind, by users as soon as possible to protect user privacy.

Schedule Moderation

It is the responsibility of each host site to moderate its own schedule for use of the Virtual Court Kiosk. Host sites have the option of using their own system or FlexBooker.

If your host site is using Flexbooker please see Managing Reservations in FlexBooker.

Online Status – Power/Internet

Each host site must ensure the Virtual Court Kiosk has power and is connected to the internet during their normal business hours.

Reporting Changes and Issues

We rely on host sites to let us know of any changes or problems that occur. This allows us to take appropriate action and to ensure the kiosks are helpful for users.

Changes and Updates

Please report changes, such as:

  • Updates to your hours of operation

  • Changes to the locations of the designated private area for the kiosk

  • Updates to any policies regarding the kiosk

  • Changes in how the site receives reservations

To report changes, please email kiosks@tlsc.org.

Problems and Technical Issues

Last updated