📹Joining a Video Meeting

Virtual Court Kiosks are perfect for attending a meeting with an attorney, participating in a virtual clinic, or attending a court hearing online. Virtual Court Kiosks are set up with video meeting software already installed, so all you need is your meeting information. Before attempting to sign in to a meeting, please make sure you have the information below.

  • Meeting date and time

  • Meeting ID or Meeting Room Name and password information, if applicable, so you can log into the right meeting

If you have not been sent the information above, please contact the person who organized the meeting.

You will need to make sure your kiosk's camera is open. There is a pop-up, retractable webcam at the top of your kiosk's monitor. You can push down on the top of it to release it. Once it is popped up, it will work.


Each Zoom meeting has a unique number called a meeting ID that will be required to join a meeting.

This is an example of a Zoom invitation you might receive from someone that wants to schedule a meeting with you.

Someone is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 123 4567 8910

Passcode: 123456

To Join a Zoom Meeting follow the Steps below:

  1. Under the title, "How Can We Help You Today?" click on the Join a Video Meeting card to the far left of your screen.

For more information on how to join a Zoom meeting from a web browser, review Zoom's support page.


Each Teams meeting has a unique number called a meeting ID that will be required to join a meeting. This is an example of a Teams invitation you might receive from someone that wants to schedule a meeting with you.

To Join a Teams Meeting follow the Steps below:

  1. Under the title, "How Can We Help You Today?" click on the Join a Video Meeting card to the far left of your screen.

  1. Enter your meeting ID and meeting passcode, then click "Join a meeting".

  1. Now you will be able to type in your name, switch your video and audio on or off, then click "Join Now" to enter the meeting.

For more information on how to join a Teams meeting from a web browser, review Teams' support page.

Joining with Webex

Each Webex meeting has a unique number called a meeting ID that will be required to join a meeting. This is an example of a Webex invitation you might receive from someone that wants to schedule a meeting with you.

To Join a Webex Meeting follow the Steps below:

  1. Under the title, "How Can We Help You Today?" click on the Join a Video Meeting card to the far left of your screen.

  1. Enter your meeting ID, then click "Continue".

  1. If you're asked for a meeting password, enter the meeting password, and click "Continue".

  2. In the preview window, you can make sure your audio and video sound and look good before you join the meeting. First, choose how you want to hear by selecting "Use computer audio" with a headset.

If prompted, allow your browser to access your camera and microphone in order to see and hear what's going on in the meeting.

  1. Click "Join Meeting"

For more information on how to join a Webex meeting from a web browser, review Webex's support page.

Joining with CourtCall

To Join a CourtCall Meeting follow the Steps below:

  1. Under the title, "How Can We Help You Today?" click on the Join a Video Meeting card to the far left of your screen.

  1. Under the title, "Join a Video Meeting" click on the CourtCall card.

  1. Click on your email provider to access your CourtCall confirmation email. Use the link in the confirmation email to attend your court hearing.

Last updated